The Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata) is a large bird of prey. The common name of the bird commemorates the Italian ornithologist and collector Franco Andrea Bonelli. Bonelli is credited with gathering the type specimen, most likely from an exploration of Sardinia. Some antiquated texts also refer to this species as the crestless hawk-eagle. Like all eagles, Bonelli's eagle belongs to the family Accipitridae. Its feathered legs marked it as member of the Aquilinae or booted eagle subfamily. This species breeds from Southern Europe, Africa on the montane perimeter of the Sahara Desert and across the Indian Subcontinent to Indonesia. On Eurasia, this species may be found as far west as Portugal and as far east as southeastern China and Thailand. It is usually a resident breeder. The Bonelli's eagle is often found in hilly or mountainous habitats, with rocky walls or crags, from sea level to 1,500 m (4,900 ft). Habitats are often open to wooded land and can occur in arid to semi-moist climate. This eagle, though it can be considered partially opportunistic, is something of a special predator of certain birds and mammals, especially rabbits, galliforms and pigeons. On evidence, when staple prey populations decline or are locally scarce, Bonelli's eagle switch to being an opportunistic predator of a wide variety of birds. Despite its persistence over a large range and its continued classification as a least concern species by the IUCN, the Bonelli's eagle has declined precipitously in various parts of its range, including almost all of its European distribution, and may face potential local extinction. The species' declines are due to widespread habitat destruction, electrocution from electricity pylons as well as persistent persecution.
Font: Wikipedia
L’Àliga cuabarrada és un ocell rapinyaire
impressionant, gran i espectacular. Viu en parelles estables dins un
territori fix, que utilitzen tot l’any de diferent manera i
intensitat. L’àrea de major presència en forma el sector de cria
i espais adjacents, on hi té els niu i els punts de guaita, descans
i joc.
La reproducció és
un dels períodes més sensibles del cicle anual de les àligues. Un
cop es decideixen per un dels nius, a principi d’any, l’arrangen
profusament. Entre finals de gener i primers de març hi pondran un o
dos ous. Passats 40-43 dies d’incubació, neixen els pollets. No
volaran fins més de dos mesos més tard. Durant l’estiu aprendran
a volar i a caçar per si sols, fins que marxin del territori al
Font: Panell informatiu a Gelida
Agricultural area

Animalia (Kingdom) -> Chordata (Phylum) -> Aves (Class) -> Accipitriformes (Order) -> Accipitridae (Family)

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